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Windows and Door Fitting

Windows and Doors

Windows and doors are the most used mechanisms in a building. They need to have durable and yet nice looking works, as well as their material should be in line with their specifications – acoustic absorption, heat conductivity and others.

Fitting of new doors and windows also requires a bit of work on the walls which usually comes as a different service. With Chesterfield Property Maintenance, we do both installation of window and/or door and finishing touches on the wall, so you don’t need to worry about your service being half-done.

Door Handles and Lock Fitting

Fitting the door handles and locks can be tricky if you don’t have in mind that different producers have various standards in their products. It would be better to consult either a building service provider or a home improvement assistant. This saving you a lot of potential headaches when you come to do the fitting of handles and locks to your door. Chesterfield Property Maintenance would be happy to assist you in any aspect of selection or fitting of door accessories of all kinds.

Chesterfield Property Maintenance will on receipt of your enquiry, provide you with a free quotation.


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01246 589123

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